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Retakes ist nun im Webinterface verfügbar, spiele Retake Szenarien auf deinen CS2 Gameserver von CKRAS


Command Arguments Description Permissions
!forcebombsite <A / B> Force the retakes to occur from a single bombsite. @css/root
!forcebombsitestop Clear the forced bombsite and return back to normal. @css/root
!showspawns <A / B> Show the spawns for the specified bombsite. @css/root
!addspawn <CT / T> <Y / N (can be planter)> Adds a retakes spawn point for the bombsite spawns currently shown. @css/root
!removespawn Removes the nearest spawn point for the bombsite currently shown. @css/root
!nearestspawn Teleports the player to the nearest spawn. @css/root
!hidespawns Exits the spawn editing mode. @css/root
!mapconfig Forces a specific map config file to load. @css/root
!mapconfigs Displays a list of available map configs. @css/root
!scramble Scrambles the teams next round. @css/admin
!voices Toggles whether or not to hear the bombsite voice announcements.
css_debugqueues SERVER ONLY Shows the current queue state in the server console.



mehr demnächst


Retake ist ein auf CounterStrikeSharp basierendes Addon für CS2 Gameserver von