+sv clockcorrection msecs 0
Interpolate Bug FIX bei CKRAS CS:GO aktiv
Wir haben den Interpolate Bug FIX für alle CounterStrike Global Offensive Server aktiviert, auf diesen zBlock Programmierer im offiziellen Valve Forum verwiesen hat. Wir wollen Euch damit die Möglichkeit bieten, dass ihr selber optional mit einen Neustart im Webinterface, den Interpolate Bug Fix für CS:GO aktiviert.
Cvar "sv_clockcorrection_msecs" defaults to "60"
So this is something I discussed a while ago, as spotting this in the SDK struck me as somewhat odd. The result was in VALVE not changing this.
I understand why there is a need for jitter correction like this, but I've never liked this implementation.
I feel it should be down to the client to decide how much they need, this basically performs the same feature as "cl_interp" but isn't being configurable.
All zBlock match-servers currently have this set to "30" and Verygames DM have been running with "0" on their servers for months now.
It's also presently set at 0 in a couple of competitive league configs.
If you were to remove this cvar (or set it to 0 in CSGO) I'd be happy if the result was more relaxed cl_interp restrictions, so that "cl_interp_ratio" could be between 1 and 3, instead of the current forced competitive values min 1 and max 2.
Reducing this value should have the largest impact on the game for competitive players.
For example I have a average jitter of between 2-10ms on my home Internet connection and a latency of about 15ms to many game servers.
There is no need for me to have the 60ms jitter correction, it's increasing position latency by about 4x! So I could easily get away without the jitter correction and rely on a tiny amount of extrapolation.
If I wanted a slightly smoother more accurate game I could increase cl_interp_ratio to 2.
I'd really appreciate it if this in particular could be reviewed."
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